1. | Under which law are Work Permits granted? |
Work Permits are granted under the Non-Citizens Employment Restriction Act 1973. | |
2. | What are the procedures to be followed for obtaining a Work Permit or a Permission in Principle? |
The procedures are explained in the Guidelines for Work Permit Application available on the e-Work Permit Portal. | |
3. | How long after being granted the Permission in Principle should applications for Work Permit be submitted? |
Employers have a period of nine months from the date of the grant of the Permission in Principle to submit applications. Should applications not be submitted within that timeframe, no extension of the Permission will be entertained. Companies will have to submit fresh request for Permission in Principle for consideration. | |
4. | When can I start using the e-Work Permit Portal for my transactions? |
Before using the e-Work Permit Portal, you will have to register thereon. The Registration Form will have to be filled in. You will be required to call at the Ministry to sign the Registration Form before you are granted access to the System. | |
5. | Who should submit the applications for Work Permit? |
Applications for Work Permit should be submitted by the employer. The employer has to designate the persons in the organization who would be authorized to access the e-Work Permit System. | |
6. | How should I submit my documents when applying online? |
Documents should be scanned and submitted as attachment. | |
7. | How can I submit applications online if I do not have IT facilities at my company? |
You can call at the Employment Division on below address: 10th Floor , Sterling House, 10-11 Lislet Geoffroy Street, Port Louis, Republic of Maruritius, Telephone No: (230) 211-7769 (Counter Service) Fax: (230) 208-6252 E-mail: emp@mail.gov.mu where IT facilities will be put at your disposal to submit applications online. You should bring along all your documents. | |
8. | What are the documents that should be submitted with the online application? |
Kindly consult the Guidelines for Work Permit Application available on the e-Work Permit Portal. | |
9. | Will an application be accepted if any document is missing? |
No. Incomplete applications or inadequate filling of form will not be accepted. The application will be sent back to the employer. | |
10. | Can the documents to be submitted be in any language? |
No. All documents should be in either English or French. | |
11. | When should application for renewal of Work Permit be submitted? |
Applications for Work Permit should be submitted two months prior to the expiry of the current Work Permit. You will receive a notification issued automatically by the e-Work Permit System two months before the Work Permit expires reminding you to submit an application for renewal. | |
12. | How long from the effective date of application will I get my Work Permit ? |
Provided the application is complete, and the application has been approved, you will get a claim for the payment of Annual and Work Permit fees. Work Permits will be issued after payment has been effected. | |
13. | How will I get my claim for payment ? |
Upon approval of the application, a notification will be delivered to your mail account. You can log in the System to view and print the claim. | |
14. | How should payment of fees be effected with the online System? |
You have three options for effecting payment :
| |
15. | How long do I have to effect payment of Work Permit fees? |
Payment of Work Permit fees should be effected within 20 days of the date the claim was issued. Should payment not be effected within that timeframe, the decision to grant Work Permit will be rescinded automatically and the company will have to submit fresh applications. | |
16. | How do I collect the Work Permit ? |
If the worker has not yet travelled to Mauritius, a Provisional Work Permit will be issued to the company to enable the worker travel to Mauritius. When the worker arrives in Mauritius, the employer has to collect the Work Permit at the Ministry within two working days of the worker’s arrival. | |
17. | In what format will the Work Permit be? |
The Provisional Work Permit will be in an A4 format to be delivered online to employers. The Work Permit will be in the form of a card. | |
18. | Can I have another work permit in case the original is lost? |
Yes. You will have to fill in the relevant form on the e-Work Permit Portal and provide justifications for requesting a duplicate Work Permit. A statement from the Police Authorities should accompany the request. A duplicate Work Permit card will be issued against payment of the prescribed fee of Rs700. | |
19. | Does a non-citizen married to a Mauritian need a Work Permit? |
No. The non-citizen is exempted from the requirements of a Work Permit provided he/she is civilly married to a Mauritian. | |
20. | For how long can a skilled foreign worker work in Mauritius? |
Foreign workers are normally allowed to work for a period of four years. Beyond four years, they are required to swear an affidavit that they will not apply for Mauritian citizenship. Foreign workers are allowed to work in Mauritius as long as they are granted a Residence Permit. | |
21. | How do I apply for a Residence Permit? |
A foreign worker needs both a Residence Permit and a Work Permit to work in Mauritius. To facilitate the application process for applicants, a common application form for both permits has been designed and is available on the e-Work Permit Portal. The duly filled in common application form has to be submitted to the Employment Division through the e-Work Permit Portal. After verification, the application will be forwarded to the Passport and Immigration Office for the Residence Permit. Work Permits will be issued by the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment while Residence Permits will be issued by the Passport and Immigration Office. | |
22. | Under what circumstances may a Work Permit be cancelled? |
Work permits may be cancelled if | |
23. | What should I do if my passport number changes? |
Any change in passport number should be notified to the Ministry and a copy thereof be submitted within shortest delay. | |
24. | May a foreigner who is already in the country on a tourist visa be granted a Work Permit? |
No. Applications for Work Permit in respect of non-citizens who are on a tourist visa are not considered. | |
25. | Am I authorized to work with only a provisional Work Permit? |
No. A provisional Work Permit is valid only for two working days after the date of arrival of the worker in Mauritius. A worker needs a Work Permit Card to work. | |
26. | How do I apply for a Recruitment Licence? |
Application for a Recruitment Licence should be submitted online through the e-Work Permit Portal. | |
27. | How do I effect payment of the Licence fee ? |
You have three options for effecting payment :
| |
28. | With the online system, will the format of the Recruitment Licence be changed? |
The format of the Recruitment Licence will remain unchanged as same has to be affixed in a conspicuous place in the agency. | |
30. | How do I apply for an Authorisation Letter in respect of a foreign student who will work part-time? |
The relevant form which is available on the e-Work Permit Portal has to be filled in and submitted online with the scanned documents as specified in the Guidelines. | |
31. | In what form will the Authorisation Letter be? |
The Authorisation will be in the form of a card. |